How did the FutureLabs come out?

Out of the concern about the global crises and the helplessness of the young generation, the Bavarian Parents' Association has developed the concept of actively involving pupils in the urgently needed transformation of their world in their daily school life - self-efficacy versus powerlessness, future skills versus rigid curricula.

Already in the pilot phase, we are cooperating with several chairs of the University of Würzburg. The Federal Parents' Council supports the initiative, as do the German Lions, the German UNESCO, Greenpeace Education and many others.

We are working with international climate researchers, such as the Global System Institute or the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, to disseminate the initiative in Europe and Africa and to create best-practice examples to create 'positive tipping points' to slow down climate change after all.



  • 2022-2023



  • 2023-2024



  • since 2024



Our Team

Oliver Kunkel

Chairman Wir-gestalten-Heimat e.V. Shareholder KlimaWendeHaus Board member Bavarian Parents' Association

Prof.Dr. Anne Böckler-Raettig

Social Cognition
Psychological Institute
University of Würzburg

Dr. Barbara Händel

Neurobiologist and Creativity
Researcher University of Würzburg

Dr. Bernd Bullnheimer

KlimaWendeHaus gGmbH

Sebastian Stühler

Project Coordinator'FutureLabs' 

KlimaWendeHaus gGmbH


Prof.Dr. Maria Eisenmann

Dean of Studies for Modern Foreign Languages

University of Würzburg

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